
Vitamin D has a good reputation even in the worthy company of other vitamins, having been associated variously with cardiovascular health, strong bones, cognitive health, cancer protection and immune health.

Scientists from the Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City now claim to have dug up stronger evidence supporting the cardiovascular benefits of vitamin D. They also claim to have more firmly established the link between a lack of the vitamin in the diet and heart disease.

Observational research

For more than a year, the Intermountain Medical Center research team followed 27,686 people who were 50 years of age or older with no prior history of cardiovascular disease.

The participants had their blood vitamin D levels tested during routine clinical care. They were divided into three groups based on their vitamin D levels – normal (over 30 nanograms per milliliter), low (15-30 ng/ml), or very low (less than 15 ng/ml). The scientist then followed them to see if they developed some form of heart disease.

Researchers found that people with very low levels of vitamin D were 77 percent more likely to die, 45 percent more likely to develop coronary artery disease, and 78 percent more likely to have a stroke than those with normal levels. They also found that participants with very low levels of vitamin D were twice as likely to suffer heart failure.

Study significance

Commenting on the significance of the results, Brent Muhlestein, director of cardiovascular research at the Intermountain Medical Centre, said: “This was a unique study because the association between Vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular disease has not been well-established.”

Muhlestein went on to say the previous studies have demonstrated links between vitamin D deficiency and risk factors related to heart disease like blood pressure, glucose control, and inflammation.

This latest research is distinct from these studies because it tackles the link between vitamin D and heart disease directly. And although the study is only observational, Muhlestein said it is based on a population pool in Utah that is well suited to the task in hand.

“For example, because of Utah’s low use of tobacco and alcohol, we were able to narrow the focus of the study to the effects of Vitamin D on the cardiovascular system,” said Muhlestein.

In any case, he said the conclusions create an impetus for further study.


“We believe the findings are important enough to now justify randomized treatment trials of supplementation in patients with Vitamin D deficiency to determine for sure whether it can reduce the risk of heart disease,” added the researcher.


維生素 D 即使在已經不同程度地與心血管健康、強壯骨骼、認知健康、癌症保護和免疫系統的健康相關聯的其他維生素,值得公司具有良好的信譽。


現在從鹽湖城山醫學中心的心臟研究所的科學家聲稱已經挖更有力的證據支援心血管益處的維生素 d。他們還聲稱有更牢固確立在飲食中的維生素缺乏和心臟病之間的聯繫。




超過一年,山醫學中心的研究團隊遵循 27,686 50 年歲或以上沒有事先歷史的心血管疾病。


參加者在日常臨床護理期間測試其血維生素 D水準。他們被分成三組,基於他們的維生素 D 水準 — — 正常(超過 30 納克每毫升),低15-30 /毫升),或非常低(少於 15 /ml)。這位科學家接著讓他們看到是否他們開發了某種形式的心臟病。


研究人員發現維生素 D 的水準很低的人更容易死,更容易患冠心病、 45% 78%更有可能擁有比正常水準與腦卒中的 77%。他們還發現的維生素 D 水準很低的參與者被兩次遭受心力衰竭的可能性。






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談到結果的意義,Brent Muhlestein,在山間的醫療中心,心血管研究部主任說: "這是一項獨特的研究,因為維生素 D 缺乏與心血管疾病相關性不一直行之有效。"


Muhlestein 接著說以前的研究表明維生素 D 缺乏與血壓、血糖控制、和炎症等心臟病危險因素之間的聯繫。


這項最新研究是有別于這些研究的因為它直接處理維生素 D 和心臟病之間的聯繫。雖然只觀測研究,Muhlestein 說,它基於一個人口池在猶他州,很適合這項工作在手。


Muhlestein 說,"例如,是因為猶他州的低使用煙草和酒精,我們能夠縮小對心血管系統、維生素 D 的影響的研究"




"我們相信,結果是重要,因而現在需要補充維生素 D 缺乏肯定確定是否它可以減少心臟病的危險與患者的隨機的治療試驗" 添加的研究員。

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